Introduction to landers

Landers are a lot like offers -- the key differences being:

  • They don't directly convert and create revenue (though you can still see what revenue is associated with their visitors)
  • They don't have an offer source, which would otherwise provide templating of data passing and conversion tracking config

But other than that, they are the same thing - a page, that you then use in funnels.

This is what an lander's config looks like:

  • Lander name is self explantory
  • Category is for exactly that, categorisation. All your landers on the lander tab are shown within their categories, so use this for basic organisation. Note that categories for resources are entirely independent - so offer, lander, condition categories do not cross over.
  • Base lander URL - here, put your lander URL, minus any query string parameters that you would rather pass in the Append Extra Data section
  • Redirect type - for landers, you will in most cases control the page and host/serve it yourself. Due to this, always use 301 or 307 modes. Do not use meta refresh modes for your own pages, as you will only slow down redirects while providing no value.

Configure Data Passing

Here, build the query string data you want to pass to your lander.

This section is purely for convenience, as its easier to type out field names and select tokens from dropdowns than it is to write a long-winded URL + remember the tokens from memory.

Plus, you're less likely to make mistakes like this, such as using an incorrect & or ? symbol in your URL.

Here you can get the view tracking javascript code for this page, as well as generic action links.

The JS code involves placing our universal include:

<script src=""></script>

followed by a view event:

var lum = new Lumetric();
lum.event('view', {
    'query': {
        // 'f': '{FUNNEL-ID}',
        // 'ts': '{TRAFFICSOURCE-ID}',
        // 'n': '{NODE-ID}',
        'p': 'PAGE_ID_HERE', 
        // 'c': '{COST}'
    'options': {
        'cookieAllowed': true,
        'timeOnPage': false,
        'resolveTokens': [],
    'onDone': function(response) {}

The p value will be the ID of the current lander page. This helps us identify the page within a group/node at all times, even when you are using iFrames or server-side includes e.g. with PHP.

The f, ts, n and c values are commented out so are not active. You can uncomment these if you wish, though it would be better to generate JS from inside the funnel builder if you want these values.

Our tracking will use URL parameters (from a link you use at your traffic source) or an existing tracking session as the priority over these embedded parameters, so you don't need to worry about using the same page in many funnels.

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