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Articles to help you figure out common issues and problems

My conversions are not showing in FunnelFlux

So, you are running a campaign and getting conversions from some affiliate network or product sale, but conversions are not showing in FunnelFlux. Here I'll break down some troubleshooting steps to go through -- a thought process to follow. Firstl...

Error - Invalid action link (invalid_action)

This is quite common actually, but easily avoidable once you know why 😃 The most common situation for these invalid action errors is this: You load a link or page > go to some lander. The tracker thinks you are on the lander node You click the act...

Error - Duplicate query parameters error for landers/offers

This error means you have the same parameter name repeated, giving duplicates in the final URL. The final URL is generated from the base URL + the parameters in the data passing section. The most common issue is having e.g. https://domain.com/?sub...

Half my visitors are missing

The most common reason for a 50% visitor loss is the domain's DNS setup in Cloudflare. If you check the domain, make sure you don't have two records for domain.com, e.g. an A-record and a CNAME.  Cloudflare makes it a bit easy to make this mistake...

My domain is not working

If your domain is not working and checks are not showing as active, there could be a few reasons. Firstly, you need to have added the required DNS records. When you add a domain, click it's settings to see these records. There is a CNAME and TXT r...

Some of my conversions are missing from FunnelFlux

What to do if some of your conversions aren't appearing in FunnelFlux

My offer wall/listicle is not working properly

A "listicle" or "offer wall" page differs from most simple landers, in that you often expect users to click multiple buttons and open offers in new tabs. For these, its important that we tell the tracker the exact page that repeat clicks came from...

I have click discrepancies

It's pretty common in affiliate marketing to notice large click discrepancies, positive or negative. Here we'll detail some of the common causes and what you can do to investigate and resolve them. Domain issues Is the discrepancy around 50%? If s...

My Google/Microsoft conversions are not appearing

What to do if your Google/MS ads conversions are not appearing in the traffic source