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Traffic Source Guides

Guides for tracking setup on various traffic sources

Tracking setup with Zeropark

Zeropark is one of the most well-known redirect/pop sources in the performance marketing community, and they now offer push traffic too. Integration is simple and easy, especially if you use our templates. Step 1 - Add Zeropark as a Traffic Source...

Tracking setup with Adoperator

Adoperator is a traffic source that provides push and popunder ads They are based in Cyprus but have global support You can find more info at their website and Facebook page Once registered you can contact your rep via Telegram, Skype or email ...

Tracking setup with Richpush

Richpush is a traffic source that provides push, popunder and native ads They are based in Belarus but have global support You can find more info at their website , Facebook page , Telegram group or you can email [email protected] Depending o...

Tracking setup with TrafficStars

Please note traffics sources may change their tracking options from time to time -- if this article is for any reason outdated or you find errors in it, please let us know. Step 1: Add TrafficStars as a traffic source Firstly, add TrafficStars as ...

Tracking setup with Mondiad

Please note traffics source's may change their tracking options from time to time -- if this article is for any reason outdated or you find errors in it, please let us know. Step 1: Add Mondiad as a traffic source Firstly, add Mondiad as a traffic...

Tracking setup with SourceKnowledge

Please note traffics sources may change their tracking options from time to time -- if this article is for any reason outdated or you find errors in it, please let us know. Step 1: Add SourceKnowledge as a traffic source Firstly, add SourceKnowled...

Tracking setup with RollerAds

How to set up tracking with RollerAds