  • Adoperator is a traffic source that provides push and popunder ads
  • They are based in Cyprus but have global support
  • You can find more info at their website and Facebook page
  • Once registered you can contact your rep via Telegram, Skype or email (their contact details will be inside the platform)
  • Their network platform is custom built

Please note traffics sources may change their tracking options from time to time -- if this article is for any reason outdated or you find errors in it, please let us know.

Step 1: Adding Adoperator as a traffic source

Firstly, add Adoperator as a traffic source. You can use our available template.

There is of course conversion tracking to configure, but lets come back to that.

When you are ready to create a campaign, simple go to your funnel builder > click the traffic node > get links and pick Adoperator as the traffic source.

Step 2: Setting up a campaign

Head over to Adoperator, sign in and click create campaign.

Here you would paste your FunnelFlux tracking link, which will be in the style as above. The tracking parameters will be inserted automatically.

Incidentally, clicking the little blue {} box is how we find their tokens:

We can configure these in our traffic source config in FunnelFlux, which is what has already been done in the template.

You can continue on building your campaign as usual, the only other thing we need to figure out is conversion tracking.

Step 3: Adding conversion tracking

Most traffic sources support conversion tracking via either postback URL, where we need to capture unique click IDs and send them back, or using Javascript.

If you scroll down in your campaign setup you can find the conversion tracking section:

Here I have added a goal called "conversion" and given it a default of 1 (we will override this anyway).

The postback URL is provided, we just need to figure out how to pass their unique click ID to FunnelFlux.

On clicking the (?) button we see this:

This tells us the token {conversion} is what inserts their unique click ID. So we want to pass this to FunnelFlux under the external parameter, then use that in the postback to Adoperator.


and then in the conversion tracking section, we can populate the full postback URL:

Note here we are passing back {external} and passing payout dynamically. The one missing part is the goal ID, which is set to ##REPLACE## -- whenever you see this in our templates, it means you need to replace this manually yourself.

The goal ID is available only after saving the campaign, so you will need to change this in the FunnelFlux traffic source config once you submit your first campaign with its goal.

We're working with Adoperator to improve the goal ID aspect so that things are more global, and on our side will soon be adding conversion overrides that will let you set rules like "if campaign = X, goal ID = Y" in postbacks.