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Developer Docs

Technical documents intended for developers and the more technical among us.

Using the FunnelFlux Pro API

API access is freely available to all customers. You can get more information from the API Access section of the app, where you can generate your access/refresh tokens. Our API documentation is available HERE . While access is open and free, we r...

Funnel structure and link logic

Funnel Basics FunnelFlux has some key differences when compared to most performance marketing-focused tracking platforms such as Voluum, Redtrack, Binom etc. The most distinct being the existence of a "funnel" entity, which changes the way we appr...

FunnelFlux entities and their configuration

FunnelFlux Pro has a number of resources that are necessary precursors to building a funnel and running a fully-featured campaign. They are: Traffic sources Offer sources Offers Landers A custom domain (not really a resource, but necessary) Below ...

Client-side JavaScript details (V3)

Our JavaScript can be used to funnel entrances and page visitors without the need for redirect links. However, the two can and SHOULD be used in tandem. In other words, its best that our JS is always on pages, no matter the scenario. This is...

Hit and Visitor ID technical details

FunnelFlux has two unique identifiers, which are detailed below. Hit IDs Hit IDs are generated for every view to a node by any visitor. They are the most unique ID in our system. Every node visited (even rotators) generate a hit ID and...

Redirect and view tracking logic

FunnelFlux has three primary navigation-related actions that occur: Entrance link loading: /fts/ Action link loading: /action/x Page view tracking by JS: POST to /js/funnel Entrance links are quite strict and contain all necessary data to route...