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Articles about our reporting and data analysis

Using our reporting to understand your data

Reporting is likely where most users spend the majority of their time -- trying to understand their data and figure out how to optimise. Below I'll go over the reporting page and how to use it. Also, see our Quickstats and Campaigns Analysis a...

How to use Quickstats

On most of our pages with tables with a number of action icons, including this one: These buttons open Quickstats , our dynamic overlays that let you break down data quickly with pre-set reports. Think of them like a "drill down" action. When you...

Using raw event reporting

The Raw Events page allows you to pull reports on raw hit data. Hits are the name for our events that are produced with every node visit by a user. As someone traverses a funnel they have a single visitor (session) ID but create a new hit ID at e...

Using campaign analysis reports

The Campaign Analysis page is a dedicated reporting view for analysing "campaigns". What is a campaign? It's the value passed under the campaign field in tracking links. If you go to any traffic source and edit the tracking fields, you will see th...

How do I see raw click log data?

For this, use our raw event reporting. You can't download/export raw logs directly, but can create filtered reports of hits/clicks/conversions here. There are some limitations on the current fields available, though we plan to expand this later. ...

Using heatmaps

Heatmaps are currently in beta. Please report any issues to us! We have plans to later add: CTR-based colour coding for lander and offer groups A "peek" hotkey that lets you hover over page group nodes and show a heatmap expansion for the pages in...

Visitors, Visits and Views

FunnelFlux has quite a lot of reporting metrics and its important to understand the difference, so that you can get as much from the data as possible. Three key metrics are Visitors, Visits, and Views. Visitors This is our most "unique" count of p...

Understanding our Reporting Metrics

FunnelFlux Pro is different to most performance marketing trackers, and so our reporting metrics differ a little bit as well. In particular, you can build a funnel with many "nodes" and these nodes have their own metrics. Similarly, funnels have u...

How do lander views/clicks and offer views/clicks work?

Lets first define views and clicks: VIEWS -  a view is any load of a page. A lander view is a load of a lander page, an offer view is a load of an offer page. One visitor can create many views. CLICKS -  this is more often confused. A "click" is a...

Indirect and Lifetime Conversions

There are many conversion and revenue metrics available in FunnelFlux Pro: Conversions and revenue are common sense, but what are these "indirect" and "liftetime" metrics? Tracking Users Across Funnels FunnelFlux Pro lets you track users across mu...

Using Visitor Journey Reporting

FunnelFlux Pro has one important difference versus most conventional performance marketing trackers (like Voluum, Redtrack, Binom, etc.): The path the user can take has virtually no restrictions. This has some important consequences on reporting: ...

Why are attributes like hit ID, IP, user-agent etc. not available in reporting?

Very good question, and there's an important reason why. But before that, note you can view this data in the Raw Events section, which was specifically designed for debugging, viewing logs of conversions, clicks etc. So first, try there and see ...

Using flow metrics

How to understand our calculated flow metrics - relative/top visitor and conversion rates